
To book, pease use the following form and one of our representatives will call you back on the same day between 9 am and 8pm or the following day, especially, if you contacted us during the night. Each group is unique and depending about what we've talked about, we'll arrange that your event is incredible.;

According to reservation, start times for paintball can be either at 10 am, 2 pm or 6 pm. Other start times may be available, but we need to talk.

In the" Message", section please type :
- The desired activity you are inquiring about & we will be able to direct you after that to the right person.
Paintball (ou speciality)
Outdoor Survival
Dog Sledding
Grab or Tag (new activity)
Ice Fishing
Laser Tag

- The desired date
- The number of players
- If you visit our package deal page for paintball, please tell us which deal would interest your group.


It is important to follow the rules during COVID19 :
-If you have symptoms, please do not come to play, so that you will not contaminate other players.
- Fill out your weavers ahead of time by following this link.
- When you arrive, please wash your hands & as often as you can.
- Cough into your elbow.
- Respectect the 2 m distance between participants at all times.
- If you rent equipment, keep it on you at all times.
- We clean our equipment with antibactial products after each rental.